AODocs for Sales & Marketing

Transform how your sales and marketing teams work together to drive strong customer outcomes and revenue goals

Drive the connection between sales and marketing teams with a platform that supports rich content-driven strategies and empowers sales

Deliver Agility

Your sales and marketing staff work in a fast-paced environment and require content solutions that adapt as fast as they do. With AODocs, you can provide an agile, highly collaborative platform to seamlessly deliver your messages — from creation to close.

Work Smarter

Leverage AODocs to eliminate the manual overhead of generating, approving and versioning your organization’s marketing content and sales contracts. Implement collaborative updates, controlled approvals, include external collaborators, and much more.

Share Knowledge

Knowledge is power - so make sure your sales and marketing staff have access to that knowledge and are on the same page. Integrations with core business tools like Salesforce and G-Mail ensure that information is readily available to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Ensure Brand Integrity

Use simple approval workflows to ensure new content remains on-brand and to maintain brand consistency across your organization. AODocs helps you take control over marketing assets including logos, design files, videos, and other collaterals.

Connect Sales and Marketing

AODocs provides an intuitive, visual interface for both filing content and searching for existing assets. Comprehensive versioning and approval processes provide an environment for sales and marketing teams to co-exist and thrive.

Close Deals Faster

Keep things moving with automatic workflows to help get proposals sent and signed efficiently. Integrations with Salesforce and DocuSign make it easy to keep everything you need to close the deal in one, central location.

Automate Renewal Notifications

Never miss a renewal thanks to automation of alerts on the renewal of expiring contracts and invoices. Get email alerts straight to your inbox or mobile device when it’s time to renew or revise a contract.

Communicate Offers and Promotions

Get everyone on the same page when it comes to your company’s special offers and promotions. Automate the way offers are reviewed and published — and ensure your sales team is equipped with the most recent commercial promotions.

Streamline RFXs

Responding to RFXs is time-consuming and complicated. Use the power of G-Suite to collaborate with people from different departments and companies, and digitally transform the way you respond to RFXs forever.

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