AODocs for Education

Spend more time empowering students and less time on administration tasks

Empower your students and staff with modern information management

Create a Connected Campus

Build the connected campus of the future, today, by optimizing the way your students and staff create, share, and access up-to-date information.

Optimize User Experience

Give students and staff a highly adoptable, user-friendly experience with a platform that's seamlessly integrated with Google Drive, G Suite, and Gmail.

Protect Your Students and Faculty

Combat destructive bullying and exploitation by safeguarding student and faculty welfare in a controlled yet collaborative environment.

Drive Meaningful Experiences

From the second a student applies to your institution, AODocs provides a user-friendly digital experience by streamlining application management, student onboarding, and other critical processes.

Simplify your Administration Processes

Automated document retention and disposal, as well as workflows, allow you to streamline custom administration processes, like hiring and fundraising, to increase productivity and decrease administrative spend.

Implementing a modern, cloud-based platform not only saves time but also substantially reduces paper-intensive processes, allowing you to establish eco trends that resonate with staff and student values.

Automate Digital Publication

Control how documents are published to your school’s intranet and public website. AODocs automates the publication process so documents are quickly approved and properly validated before they’re published.

Ready to get started?

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