AODocs for Healthcare

Deliver better patient care via a secure, compliant, cloud-based solution

A modern healthcare platform to collaborate, manage and secure all of your content.

Modernize your Tech Stack

Retire legacy systems such as Microsoft SharePoint, Documentum or OnBase that are expensive to maintain, difficult to use and do not integrate to your modern business systems.

Deliver Security & Compliance

Deliver a consistent and accurate view of patient data via mobile, tablet and web portals, while still maintaining patient privacy and compliance with regulations like HIPAA, PCI, and CIJS.

Streamline Costs

Get better value from your information management by reducing operational costs, while improving efficiency and productivity through workflow automation.

Add a Personal Touch

Increase patient satisfaction with personalized and consistent experiences that build trust and confidence in your services.

Strengthen Compliance

Control access permissions, analyze detailed audit logs and enable real-time content activity alerts to securely manage Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in a HIPAA compliant environment.

Automate Manual Processes

Replace inefficient and error-prone manual processes with digital processes designed to provide the best engagement and service to patients and healthcare professionals.

Pioneer AI-Driven Healthcare

Leverage some of the most innovative and powerful AI technologies in the world for advanced capabilities for diagnosis collaboration, pathology reporting, discharge reports, and patient monitoring.

Ready to get started?

Contact us Start free trial
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